Share The Care Program
Going above and beyond for our clients… and our caregivers.
Share The Care Timeline
Once you submit a worker for PCM’s Share The Care program, a series of events will follow. Although every case is different and results will vary, here’s a timeline on how our process works…
1. You submit the information of a worker.
2. 1-2 days later, PCM follows up with the worker.
3. PCM confirms the worker has a U.S. Department of Labor white medical benefits card, or we help them navigate through the claims filing process.
4. If the worker is eligible and ready for care, we will refer them to our clinical operations leaders to follow-up.
5. Once the submitted worker begins receiving home care, you receive your $1,000* bonus!
Please be patient while the process can be lengthy, many caregivers like you have received their bonus… and you could be next.
Remember to abide by all HIPAA guidelines and never discuss private client information. Caregiver must be active at time of bonus payout to receive compensation. The caregiver submitting a referral cannot conduct the initial assessment on the potential client, and the referral must be new to PCM. Determination of bonus payout is at the sole discretion of PCM management.

Tips for Your Success
Having trouble finding workers in your community? Try these tips:
1. Educate yourself on the Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA).
2. Spread your knowledge to family, friends, community organizations, and other medical providers/professional contacts.
3. Current PCM clients are also great sources of referrals because they may know former co-workers who are ill and in need of our services.
By discussing the care you provide, you may find others that may benefit from our services.
Remember, PCM has a dedicated Community Outreach team that is available to answer any questions you may have, and they are standing by to help with a referral at any time. To find your local contact, please email [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
For further guidance regarding the program and outreach efforts in general, view our frequently asked questions for answers and clarification.
To qualify you must make contact with the family or individual and record the following details at a minimum; Name, Phone and/or City and State.
If you are uncomfortable, then get as much information as you can and give it to your immediate supervisor for follow-up by our clinical outreach team. You will still qualify for any bonus that is generated.
There are no legal restrictions governing the solicitation of potential client referrals from existing employees. But, an individual’s privacy is of the utmost concern, and HIPAA regulations still apply. For instance, it is not permissible for you to divulge the name of any of our clients to a third party. Also, it is always best to have your source contact a potential client first and get permission for your further solicitation.
Your bonus payment will be considered your compensation.
You are expected to conduct any outreach efforts during your own time. While with your PCM client, you are in their home to provide IN-HOME care only. If you are asked about the Energy Program, or any of our services, you may, of course, discuss these during work if it does not interfere with client care.
No, but you can ask them if they know of other beneficiaries who might need our nursing services. Telling clients about the bonus program could lead to unnecessary competition between caregivers, and potential conflicting fiduciary demands.
In general, you must be very conscious of the HIPAA and confidentially standards to which all providers must also adhere. It is always best to remember that when at another location you must follow their guidelines and procedures.
You remain the best source of information in your local area. You can always tell others about the “basics” of these topics, but generally it is best to refer them to someone in the PCM office, or to your supervisor, for detailed information. While there continues to be a significant need for education, the programs are very complicated and usually require explanation from those who have been extensively trained. If you know of an organization or group that would like PCM to speak to them, we have presentations and a team always willing to provide that service.
Please contact the office or your supervisor to utilize material already created.
*Important notes: 1) Remember to abide by all HIPAA guidelines and never discuss private client information, 2) Caregiver must be active at time of bonus payout to receive compensation, 3) The caregiver submitting a referral cannot conduct the initial assessment on the potential client, 4) The referral must be new to PCM, 5) Determination of bonus payout is at the sole discretion of PCM management.