Perry, how has Professional Case Management helped you?

Perry, Front Line Supervisor at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Kentucky for 32 years, and Tina, Registered Nurse, his Professional Case Management case manager.
I’ve been fortunate enough to be associated with Professional Case Management for several years now. I can’t say enough about how the Professional Case Management Paducah, Kentucky office has provided me with courteous and caring service. Any question I might have, all I need to do is ask and I will receive a timely answer.
My case manager, Tina, has gone above and beyond my expectations in being kind and accommodating, always happy to plan her visits around my schedule. She listens to anything that may be going on with me medically or personally. I know I can always count on her to be available anytime I need her, either to answer a question or to change my visit time. She takes a personal interest in my health and life and is genuinely invested in my overall wellness.
She is always on top of her game when it’s time for recertification and makes it easy for me to know what I need to do to get that accomplished. She has provided invaluable help regarding Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program information and keeps me updated.
Professional Case Management has provided me with invaluable assistance through information, friendly service, and vital medical monitoring. I truly appreciate Professional Case Management and especially Tina.
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