ACT for Health, the name under which the company was originally founded, began providing home health care services.

Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA), providing health care and monetary compensation to former nuclear weapons workers who have become ill due to workplace exposure.

ACT for Health became the first enrolled home health care provider under the EEOICPA, making it the nation’s only home health care provider to focus on former nuclear weapons complex workers.

ACT for Health began to also serve uranium workers eligible for health care benefits via the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA).

ACT for Health began doing business under the name Professional Case Management (PCM).

PCM hosted its first town hall meeting to educate communities about EEOICPA/RECA programs.

PCM began advocating for workers on a larger scale by meeting with local legislators to advise them about the program.

PCM met with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) in Washington D.C. to discuss potential EEOICPA reforms to improve the authorization and payment processes for health care services. As part of PCM’s ongoing efforts to maintain a productive working relationship with the DOL, PCM felt compelled to openly challenge the agency when PCM believed that the agency was not acting in the best interest of the workers. This critical dialogue has helped ensure that claims processes follow the intent of the EEOICPA legislation.

PCM began serving spinal cord and brain Injury clients.
PCM and six former nuclear weapons workers challenged the U.S. Department of Labor with a class-action, non-monetary relief lawsuit to ensure that workers continued to receive access to medical benefits.

PCM founded Cold War Patriots (CWP), a community resource organization dedicated to providing information and resources, advocacy support, and community recognition for former nuclear and uranium workers. PCM TRIALS began coordinating and conducting in-home clinical trials.

PCM successfully settled its class-action lawsuit after the U.S. Department of Labor agreed to improve its medical authorization practices. No monetary relief was sought or obtained through this lawsuit.

CWP lobbied Congress to establish a National Day of Remembrance on October 30th in honor of former nuclear weapons and uranium workers.

CWP hosted its first community resource fair.

CWP hosted its first worker advocates’ conference in Washington D.C.

CWP began visiting Washington D.C. regularly to advocate for program reforms.
PCM served its 1,000th EEOICPA client.

CWP hosted expanded advocates’ conference in Washington D.C. CWP created a “Remembrance Quilt” in honor of former workers, which was later displayed in the Senate building in Washington D.C., and as a traveling exhibit across the nation.

CWP successfully lobbied Congress for the 5th annual National Day of Remembrance.

CWP successfully lobbied Congress to create a DOL Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health.

PCM continues its commitment to excellence by providing superior home care for nuclear weapons and uranium workers, advocacy through our Cold War Patriots organization, in-home clinical visits for pharmaceutical trials and catastrophic home health care focusing specifically on spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries.

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the National Day of Remembrance.

Launch of PCM Impairments, a division that provides free impairment evaluations performed by EEOICPA-enrolled physicians to anyone with a U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) white medical benefits card. Evaluations feature an in-depth conversation with ABIME-certified physician plus navigators who guide claimants through the U.S. DOL impairment evaluation process.

Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the National Day of Remembrance.